In response to member concerns on our water and sewer rates, we have conducted a survey of members who also pay such rates off the island. Based on responses to the survey, here is the distribution of rates for off island water and sewer charges:

As can be seen, our LB TWP rates are higher than 75% of municipalities elsewhere in NJ and other states. More relevant is a comparison with the other towns on LBI which are summarized here:

As indicated each town has a mix of base and usage fees, and treatment of duplex units, but it appears we and Beach Haven are the highest for typical single units, and we are the highest for duplex units.
We propose to present this data to the township in an effort to understand why we’re an outlier and to see if these charges can be reduced or perhaps more equitably designed to shift more cost to usage based billing. We need volunteers to participate in that effort. Let me know at if you are willing and available to help with that.
Ed O’Donnell
Vice President, Membership